ECT for Silver and Gold Star Cadets. Beginning at the Silver Star lever (third year), all cadets must take part in Expedition Cadet Training (ECT) weekend at one of the conservation areas in the region. There they will learn all about maintaining and repairing the bikes they will be using, how to safely hike, and camping routines. They then spend the weekend putting all this into practice as the ride through the woods, hike the trails and learn how to act as a team. This continues the following year with a more advanced weekend for the Gold Star cadets. This ECT weekend is mandatory for cadets to graduate their silver and gold star levels, but it is also a great weekend for cadets to challenge themselves and have fun.
Cadets currently in Silver & Gold Star are highly encouraged to keep their personal schedules open in order to attend this ETC weekend.
More Coordinating details to follow once information is released to the Unit from the Expedition Centre along with the following information:
List of registered Silver / Gold Star Level Cadets
Consent Forms
Transport Instructions
ETC Joining Instructions
Additional Information:
All selected cadets MUST thoroughly read through the joining instructions once released to ensure you understand the expectations equipment/packing requirements, rules and regulations for attending.
Please ensure you bring both your provincial health card, consent form and any prescribed medications/EpiPens with you to the expedition site.