#11 Strathroy will conduct a fun Bowl and Swim Day on the above mentioned date.
We are asking Parents, Staff and Support Committee members to assist with car pooling to the locations.
Cadets and Drivers will meet at the Cadet Bldg. behind the legions at 1015am. If you live closer to London and wish to commute from your residence to drop the cades off at the function, then let Lt Vaughan or Capt. Steen know the Tuesday before so we can ensure we have numbers and who to expect. All others car pooling from Strathroy we can depart from the Legion.
1st Phase will be conducted at 11am at the Palasad mentioned at the above address where the cadets will participate in bowling and other activities. Lunch will be provided before we leave which will consist of 2 slices of pizza and a pop. This event will be done by 2pm.
.2nd Phase will be commuting from the Palasad to the London South Community Pool located at 585 Bradley Ave. London ON. N6E 2H8. We have pre-purchased admisison cards for the Cadets and Staff/Support. This activity will run for an hour or so then cadets are free to dismiss from there with parent pickup or the Legion when we car pool back to there. We should be back before 4pm.
Any Questions please feel free to contact us through the Cadet Corps email address on the home page.